Sunday Morning Table Talks

9:15 to 10:30 am in the Student Building

Running the race well for God means building spiritual habits; this series will walk students through six critical spiritual disciplines to grow in.
Week 1: Hanging out with God
Week 2: Accountability

Week 3: Bible Study
Week 4: Involvement in Church
This series tackles common faith questions head-on.  By making space for us to ask questions and pursue answers, this series will help build a solid foundation for faith and equip us to share our faith with others.
Week 1: What Do I Do When Bad Things Happen?
Week 2: Can I Trust the Bible?
Week 3: Did the Resurrection Really Happen?

Wednesday Night  Schedule

8th--Worship Night
15th--Midweek Worship
22nd--Midweek Worship
29th--Midweek Worship

5th-- Worship Night
12th--Midweek Worship
19th--Midweek Worship
26th--Midweek Worship

5th-- Worship Night
19th--Midweek Worship
26th--Midweek Worship

2nd-- Worship Night
9th--Midweek Worship
23rd--Midweek Worship
30th--Midweek Worship

Students at the Heights Upcoming Events

JOY Ministry for Special Needs

JOY Ministry is dedicated to providing environments that help develop the spiritual, physical & emotional lives of special needs children and students while also providing support for their families. If you would like to learn more about our Special Needs Ministry, click HERE.